Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Levels

Pretzel & Prost

Amount: $1 - $499

  • Business name listed on

    map & schedule of event

  • Shout outs on social media

  • Vehicle in parade to

    promote your business

Lederhosen & Dirndl

Amount: $500 - $999

  • Sponsor banner hung by stage

    or other high traffic areas

  • Business name listed on map &

    schedule of events

  • Business mentioned over PA during Opening Ceremony,

    German Games & Weiner Dog


  • Vehicle in parade to promote

    your business

Bavarian Bash

Amount: $1000+

  • Sponsor banner hung by stage

    or other high traffic areas

  • Business logo listed on map &

    schedule of events

  • Business logo on our newly

    redesigned website + social

    media shout outs

  • Business mentioned over PA

    during Opening Ceremony,

    German Games & Weiner Dog


  • Celebrity/guest judge for


  • Vehicle in parade to promote

    your business

Fill out the form below to become a sponsor!

In the form, please enter the dollar amount that you would like to provide for your sponsorship.

If you would rather pay by check,

please make checks made payable to Ste Gen Oktoberfest & mail to:

PO BOX 188

Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670

If you have questions, contact Kara Burt at (573) 880-5565

Please email logos and other information to [email protected]